Saturday, November 9, 2013

Her price is far above rubies.

Proverbs 31:10 "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies."

I want to get on the Earth's intercom system and shout this scripture out for everyone to hear!  As daughters of God, we have SO much to give.  We have strength.  We have talents.  We have love.  We have compassion.  We have power...power to change the world.  Sadly, though, rather than changing the world, we are allowing the world to change us.  Why?  So we can walk like, look like, and sound like what the media and our society tell us we should be like?  If so, all of our efforts are vain, and we are allowing our worth to change with the fickle minds of the media.  This is NOT what we were divinely created to be!

Speaking to the young women in society, can I promise you that when you wear that sheer shirt and those tight pants, your boyfriend doesn't love you more?  He probably lusts after you more...let's be honest, men and women are wired differently...but if you want a man to really love YOU...(yes, that includes your body...but not JUST your body, or even MOSTLY your body...ALL of YOU)...then become a real woman.  How "real" is cleavage and showing some leg?  It is only as real as it is lasting, and take it from a young mother of two children, less than ten years from now you will be looking in the mirror at a very different body.  So please, please, please, look inside of yourself and see more than the potential to become the next object of lust and pleasure for some guy who doesn't deserve you.  There ARE good, strong men out there that are praying everyday to find a woman worth waiting for.  All you have to do is be that woman, and you will start finding those men.

The world wants you to live in the moment.  The Lord wants you to live forever...and that requires virtue.  So up to your REAL potential!  I promise you will find lasting happiness that you couldn't even have hoped for otherwise!

1 comment:

  1. oh abby, this is wonderful. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!!
